Thanks to the instruction they acquire in this department, our students will...
- make sense of the basic concepts of International Relations in regional and global contexts.
- be able to evaluate and comprehend international relations theories and approaches from a critical and interdisciplinary perspective.
- define states, international organizations, NGOs, multinational companies, global non-governmental actors, criminal groups, and individuals who are the main actors of International Relations; they will understand the interactions of these actors and their reflections on international relations.
- be able to explain the historical and cultural dynamics required by International Relations studies in a theoretical context.
- be able to read the materials and literature in English carefully, critically, and candidly and express themselves in a foreign language.
- prepare their assignments and projects by academic ethics standards, in an understandable, informative language, and by presenting solid arguments.
- be able to actively participate in discussions, news, and comments on International Relations.
- be able to actively work in national and international project groups and teams.